Sunday 4 November 2012

Joy of Work

Joy of work <<< This word giving a plenty of different meaning for each every person of what different kind of happy thing happen.
While give me , I feel that joy of work means that getting grate or something you work for it happen happily by day to day.
That means like while you work for something that together with each other person that happy feeling continuous bring freshly to your mind

Work , before I started in foundation ,
the college firstly given to my mind that college or university that must be serious from day to day
Means that every people face always the same and must fully concentrate while everything happen when you are wake ... oh no it are terrible ...!!!!!!!!

But.... it are wrong that after I started my foundation , I feel that all people are so friendly even the lecture given me the feeling that a good friend more than the lecture ( haha it hard to explain  XD)

They are so friendly  =)

From the foundation and degree I learned many thing that I had never learn before
it given me feel interest for those thing that fully bring out good feeling and fully catch my interest to it.

<-When have new project we are so busy ~.~

Sometimes even my bedroom also KENA T.T

In this coarse it bring out the feeling of mystery
it given a feeling that can nearly or without ,
but it also given me it are a near to me.
In this course I feel that I can fully afford my mine on it,
it thoroughly given my mine that is a fascinating coarse ,
and I feel that I can even given  fully concentrate to it  that compare from other thing.

 This happen while we test fly our project 3D kite XD we all getting wet =D

It is a proof that  already deeply mark into my mind that having the course in collage are happily , it given me the best memory , and fully fill in my life to meaningful and it really accompany to the better future that I had never think about before ^_^

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