Sunday 11 November 2012

The Arts & Crafts Movement

·         Late Victorian period in England
·         The most industrialized country in the world at that time.
·         Industrial life  precapitalist forms of culture and society.
·         Arts and Crafts designers sought to improve standards of decorative design
·         Did not promote a particular style, but it did advocate reform as part of its philosophy and instigated a critique of industrial labor.
·         Return to hand-craftsmanship and to assert the creative independence of individual craftspeople.
  • Influential, profound and far-reaching design movements of modern times.

William Morris and Philip Webb, Red House
·         William Morris and Philip Webb, Red House (side), Bexleyheath, England, 1860 
Philip Speakman Webb (1831-1915) Oxford, the son of a doctor
·         design the decorative elements of a house
Bexleyheath, a southeastern suburb of London, England
·         interior design provide the appropriate atmosphere to foster domestic harmony created a sense of romanticism
·         furniture, stained glass, wall hangings, wall paintings, panels, embroidered panels, the impressive Drawing Room
·         miniature minstrels gallery, and murals featuring Chaucer, Malory, Froissart and Dante themes.
·         Tudor Gothic style
·         steep roofs, prominent chimneys, cross gables, and exposed-beam ceilings
·         exterior shows style of masonry, built from the local red brick.
·         majority of arts and crafts cottages. 
“My work is the embodiment of dreams” - William Morris

I chose William Morris because his building' red house are still affect for everyone where are so excellent and bring out the arts and crafts cottages.

Art Nouveau

·         more or less concurrent with the Arts and Crafts style
·         was not concerned with the social reform movements
·         mid-19th century European taste.
·         Originating in Belgium and France,
·         ideas from the past, and even from other cultures
curves-- grasses, lilies, vines

Chair Willow 2, 1904 by Charles Renie Mackintosh

·         Charles Rennie Mackintosh was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1868.
·         An outstanding architect, furniture designer, and painter
·         the greatest flowering of the British Arts & Crafts movement in either Scotland or England. 
·         He died in London in 1928.

·         Ash wood chair with upholstered or straw seat. Low back 104,5 cm
·         L. 46 cm, H. 104,5 cm , P. 39,5 cm
·         cbm:  0,40

I choosing the chair willow from Charles Renie Mackintosh because his chair style are totally different feel from the other designer that deeply attract to me.

The Arts & Crafts Movement


Art Nouveau

Sunday 4 November 2012

Joy of Work

Joy of work <<< This word giving a plenty of different meaning for each every person of what different kind of happy thing happen.
While give me , I feel that joy of work means that getting grate or something you work for it happen happily by day to day.
That means like while you work for something that together with each other person that happy feeling continuous bring freshly to your mind

Work , before I started in foundation ,
the college firstly given to my mind that college or university that must be serious from day to day
Means that every people face always the same and must fully concentrate while everything happen when you are wake ... oh no it are terrible ...!!!!!!!!

But.... it are wrong that after I started my foundation , I feel that all people are so friendly even the lecture given me the feeling that a good friend more than the lecture ( haha it hard to explain  XD)

They are so friendly  =)

From the foundation and degree I learned many thing that I had never learn before
it given me feel interest for those thing that fully bring out good feeling and fully catch my interest to it.

<-When have new project we are so busy ~.~

Sometimes even my bedroom also KENA T.T

In this coarse it bring out the feeling of mystery
it given a feeling that can nearly or without ,
but it also given me it are a near to me.
In this course I feel that I can fully afford my mine on it,
it thoroughly given my mine that is a fascinating coarse ,
and I feel that I can even given  fully concentrate to it  that compare from other thing.

 This happen while we test fly our project 3D kite XD we all getting wet =D

It is a proof that  already deeply mark into my mind that having the course in collage are happily , it given me the best memory , and fully fill in my life to meaningful and it really accompany to the better future that I had never think about before ^_^

Sunday 28 October 2012



  • The period between the fall of Rome and the full flowering of feudalism by the 12th century  and the fall of the Western Roman Empire
  • Not fair to the people who lived there
  • The 12th century was a critical time for music history.
  • People do not associate with the violent ideas
  • Crusades and crusaders immortalized in surviving songs of the 12th & 13th centuries.
  • Orthodox Christians corrupt


  • The deteriorating economy of fiscal mismanagement and the long years of feudal oppression had long been testing the public’s patience.
  • Began the civil disobediences.
  • The Bastille prison in the East of Paris on the 14th of July is being the landmark event that led to the social disorder.
  • The attempt to gain arms and ammunitions from the prison.


  • Importance to the economic development of the United States.
  • The first Industrial Revolution occurred in Great Britain and Europe during the late eighteenth century.

  • Change from hand and home production to machine and factory.
  • The first industrial revolution was important for the inventions of spinning and weaving machines operated by water power which was eventually replaced by steam.
  • Three important developments :
  • First, transportation was expanded.
  • Second, electricity was effectively harnessed.
  • Third, improvements were made to industrial processes such as improving the refining process and accelerating production

Sunday 21 October 2012

I think therefore I am

René Descartes  was a highly influential French philosopher, mathematician, scientist, and writer. 

He has been dubbed the "Father of Modern Philosophy," and much of subsequent Western philosophy is a response to his writings, which continue to be studied closely. 

His influence in mathematics is also apparent, the Cartesian coordinate system that is used in plane geometry and algebra being named for him, and he was one of the key figures in the Scientific Revolution.
 In his theology, he insists on the absolute freedom of God’s act of creation.

I think :
I'm a designer,                                                 I'm a designer ,
                                                                              I have to design,

        Therefore , I must have good idea .                   Therefore , I need to make thing possible.
              Therefore , I must always gets ready.                  Therefore, I must always been update.       
Therefore, I must solved the problem and make it news.

Monday 15 October 2012

Saint Susanna

I chose this building because it is the oldest building in the city of Rome. It is the starting of church in the Baroque Art.
The greatest manifestation of the Baroque spirit in architecture is found in the facade of the Roman church of Santo Suasanna designed by Carlo Maderno (1556 -1629). The tall central section of the facade projects forward from the horizontal lower story  and the scroll buttresses that connect the two levels are narrow and set at a sharp angle . The vertical trust of the design is further enhanced by elimination of the arch framing the pediment over the doorway. The sculptural effect is enhanced by the recessed voids which contain statues .

The church consists of a single nave, with a circular apse forming two side-chapels. The frescoes of the central nave by Baldassare Croce represent six scenes from the life of Susanna found in the Book of Daniel. The frescoes on the curved side of the apse shows Saint Susanna being threatened by Maximian, but defended by the angel of God and to the right, Susanna refusing to worship the idol Jupiter. Nebbia's frescoes of the dome of the apse depict Saint Susanna flanked on either side by angels with musical instruments. Behind the high altar, the painting depicting the beheading of Saint Susanna is by Tommaso Laureti.
The Church of Santa Susanna is one of the oldest titles in the city of Rome.In the 4th century it was marked with the designation ad duas domos .

Monday 8 October 2012

How design inspire your daily life ?

Design can be interesting.
Design can be creative .
Design makes us happy and inspired.
Design makes us feel well and comfortable.
Design is a part of life , every we have to face it.
Design is amazing !!!!!
Design give us understand the meaning of life.
Design influence daily activities.
Design is the starting of better dream and also the better future.
Design understand the future.
Design identify and communicate to people.
Design means what the society growing.

If without design our life are bored.
Our future become confusion.
Our life growing without any intend.

Design is limited but, the thing we can design is unlimited
I hope that the day I become a designer will come true.